Map Connections

Getting Started

Installing the Library

Add the Library and Depend on it

In the head tag in your HTML, import the Map Connections library and CSS styles:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <script defer type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

There are no other dependencies required.

Create a Simple Map

Add the HTML to your body, pass in the div ID when creating the map with JavaScript.

<div id="map-div"></div>
const map = new MapConnections({ divId:'map-div', width:400 })
map.addMarker({ top:200, left:100, title:"Marker Title", description:"Some description here." })
map.addMarkerApproxLongLat({ longitude:27, latitude:108 })
  markerIndexStart: 0,
  markerIndexEnd: 1,
  animationDuration: 5000,
  iconColor: 'red',
  title: "Connection Title",
  description: "Some description here."

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